The plant has a capacity of crushing about 2500 tons cane per day and would be producing export quality white crystal sugar using the latest techniques in the country. The factory is one of the most advanced sugar factories in India. Robust and reliable equipments of latest design, high efficiency of low power consumption have been installed for continuous operation throughout the year. Due to abundant cane available in the area of operation, a minimum duration of season of 180 days is assured I.e. to say about 4.5 lakh tons of sugarcane will be crushed during season to produce about 5.18 lakh quintals of sugar. The all purpose sugar, excellent for sweetening hot drinks, sprinkling oven cereals or fruit and for general use in home and baking.
It is a general purpose sugar suitable for use in many varied food and drink manufacturing process and chemical and pharmaceuticals industries. It is also suitable for use as a high purity fermentation substrate and sweetener in bees, cides and wines, Indian white sugar has been moving in large quantities to neighboring countries, Middle East and Far East.