cane molasses


Molasses is a thick gelatin residue in sugar processing which can not be further economically crystallized. It consists of solids, sucrose and reducing sugars. As per the amount of reducing sugars present molasses is graded as I, II, III and below Grade. Molasses having reducing sugar above 50% are taken as I grade, and below 40% are below grade. The commercial value of molasses is tested for the Brix (Total Dissolved solid) and TRS (Total reducing sugars) which represent its quality and grades for sale.

Molasses are fermented in distilleries to produce alcohol commercially. India has been producing about 1.7 billion litres of liquor utilizing 75-80% molasses produced in the country. Though the free production of liquor using molasses is restricted for social reasons, its application in the preparation of alcohol based chemicals is also economically viable.
India has the largest chemical industry in the world using sugar cane molasses to produce Ethyl Alcohol, Acetaldehyde, Acetic Acid Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) are being produced by molasses only.

Composition of Molasses
Sucrose30 – 35 %.
Reducing Sugar10 – 15 %
Ash10 – 12 %
Total Sugar % dry solids55 – 60 %
Nitrogen0.15 to 0.25 %
Gums0.05 to 3.5 %
CaO1.0 to 1.5
SO41.2 to 3.5
P2O50.25 to 0.30
pH5.4 to 5.7
Total organic non-sugar15 – 20
Un-fermentable reducing matter1.5 to 2.5
Packing:Flexi Tank of 25MT
Shipment Size:25MT per Container and bulk carrier
Minimum Order:250MT and above


C-313/314, Solaris-1, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri-East, Mumbai-400072, India.

Tel : +91 22 4617 2346
Mobile : + 91 9867570900